
  • On one of the last BFA online events I (Phil Mowat from Ashtons Franchise Consulting) attended, the conversation turned to franchise recruitment and how many leads are generally needed to...

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  • What is franchise support?

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    In this article for Which Franchise, Nick Williams (managing consultant at Ashtons), asks what is franchise support and what it means for franchisees and franchisors. One of the most misused...

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  • A Personal Journey Into Franchising

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    Having been made redundant twice in 15 years I decided that it was time I took control of my future and started a serious search for a role that would...

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  • Eggfree Cake Box has reported impressive annual results despite the pandemic. Released last week, they announced that revenue grew 16.9% and gross profit was up 23.8% from 2020. The brand...

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  • Ashtons Franchise Consulting (AFC) has expanded and strengthened its team with the appointment of franchise consultant Phil Mowat. Following a previous career in events, Phil jumped head first into the...

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  • Case Study: Tropical Medical Bureau

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    Tropical Medical Bureau (TMB) is the Republic of Ireland’s leading travel medicine clinic and one of Europe’s most respected travel medicine brands. The Context Founded in Dublin in 1988, TMB...

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  • Case Study: CeX

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    Back in the 1990s, when entertainment products were entering a new era of technology, a group of friends – who were tired of paying hefty prices for entertainment goods and...

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  • Case Study: Rhythm Time

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    Rhythm Time was founded in 1995 by Kathy Doolan. The Context Kathy studied music at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow, followed by a year at...

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